Havana Tile Designs (+ CD-ROM)-Гавана - Дизайн Керамики

Код в каталоге: № 13633

Издательство: Пепин - Пресс
Год выпуска:
Состояние: Очень хорошее
Место издания: Амстердам
Количество страниц: 208
Переплет: Твердый
Формат: Обычный
ISBN: 978-90-5768-115-8
Описание книги

Наварро Марио Havana Tile Designs (+ CD-ROM)-Гавана - Дизайн Керамики

The images in this book can be used as a graphic resource and for inspiration. All the illustrations are stored on the enclosed CD-ROM and are ready to use for printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, either on paper or digitally, or to decorate your letters, flyers, T-shirts, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most software programs. Some programs will allowyou to access the images directly; in others, you will first have to create a document, and then import the images. Please consult your software manual for instructionsThe names of the files on the CD-ROM correspond with the page numbers in this book. The CD-ROM comes free with this book, but is not for sale separately. The files on Pepin Press/Agile Rabbit CD-ROMs are sufficiently large for most applications. However, larger and/or vectorised files are available for most images and can be ordered

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