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The Elephant Vanishes

Код в каталоге: № 16975

Издательство: Vintage
Год выпуска:
Состояние: Отличное
Количество страниц: 330
Переплет: Мягкий
Формат: Обычный
ISBN: 0-099-44875-0
Описание книги

Haruki Murakami The Elephant Vanishes

When a man's favourite elephant vanishes, the balance of his whole life is subtly upset; a couple's midnight hunger pangs drive them to hold up a McDonald's; a woman finds she is irresistible to a small green monster that burrows through her front garden; an insomniac wife wakes up to a twilight world of semi-consciousness in which anything seems possible - even death. In every one of the stories that make up The Elephant Vanishes, Murakami makes a determined assault on the normal. He has a deadpan genius for dislocating realities to uncover the surreal in the everyday, the extraordinary in the ordinary.

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